State Prison Inmate Search

Are you looking for someone who is currently incarcerated in a state prison?

To find them, you need to do a state prison inmate search. Read all of these instructions carefully, then follow these steps to do an inmate search and locate someone who is in a state prison:


  1. Click on the state link below for the state where they’re in prison. This will take you to a listing of all of the state prisons in that state.
  2. Next, click on the state prison link on the state prison page for the prison where they are incarcerated.
  3. On the state prison information page, click on the ‘Inmate Search’ link in the ‘Main Menu’. This will take you to the section of the state prison information page that tells you how to do an inmate search for that specific prison, as well as give you the link to that prisons’s website, if available. Please note that not all state prisons have websites where you can lookup an inmate. If the prison where you are trying to find someone does not have a website, or if the website does not allow you to lookup inmates, you should call the phone number listed on the prison information page.

Step 1 – Choose Your State

Alabama Indiana Nebraska South Carolina
Alaska Iowa Nevada South Dakota
Arizona Kansas New Hampshire Tennessee
Arkansas Kentucky New Jersey Texas
California Louisiana New Mexico Utah
Colorado Maine New York Vermont
Connecticut Maryland North Carolina Virginia
Delaware Massachusetts North Dakota Washington
Florida Michigan Ohio West Virginia
Georgia Minnesota Oklahoma Wisconsin
Hawaii Mississippi Oregon Wyoming
Idaho Missouri Pennsylvania
Illinois Montana Rhode Island